Piece of Mind
Like i said... i was gonna get a DVD drive... n i finally did... :)
However... Streamyx isn't available in my housin' area for now so i guess i will have to go out to online...
Finishin' the last ten episodes of Split Second yesterday was a personal record cos i've never actually been such a 'hardcore' couch potato in my whole life... hehe... I actually declined to go jamming for two nights in a row cos of the serial... although i could have watched it another time... but my other friends were watchin' together anyway so i guess i might as well 'finish' it fast... :)
Five days of classes have passed... i have yet to warm up my brain... slack first...
Gonna check out the news for today... i haven been readin' d papers since i came back... dun buy 'em either... guess i'll check them online
No... it ain't the runnin' kind of marathon... instead i've been watchin' episode ater episode of this HK serial Split Second... around 5 per day now... since Mon... hehe... another 15 left...
Woke up early for class at 8 only to be greeted by an invisible lecturer so here I am...
Why ain't the air-con in CICT workin'... it's been spoilt since i returned... what the...
Gonna get Streamyx soon... n a DVD drive... :)
Relax... It's Just the Beginnin'
Countach Studio certainly is best studio in Tmn U considerin' d fact that d others r even worse... but 30 bucks per hour is not reli worth it... they din even provide a single Boss pedal for us... or any stompbox for that matter... what the hell... i brought my own guitar n cable along... n true enough... i had to use my own cable cos theirs jus plain sucked... no doubt... the room is big... the Tama drumset is nice... but c'mon... i could get a good studio with Boss
MT-2 n
DD-3 in Ipoh with an hourly rate of 25bux... sigh... there's a need for better studios here...
First Day of School
Well... i used to dread the first day of school... or rather school itself... when i was much younger... guess i dun dread it so much now already... jus finished my first class half an hour ago and waitin' for the next one to start...
Number of tyre PUNCTURES i experienced this year:FOUR
Two of 'em happened when i was drivin' back on the highway for the new semester... and that includes this sem too...
I wonder what the hell is wrong... PLUS tryin' 2 sabotage me?
And so i had to change a whole tyre at some place called Bukit Beruntung (i think) near Rawang cos it burst completely... hmmm... the new Bridgestone set me back 120 bucks...
The other time i was luckier as the punctured tyre was still usable and i went 2 Sungkai 2 had it patched up...
What luck...
Ticking Away...
The clock ticks...
The fan spins...
Seconds pass...
My journey awaits...
I can't finish dl-ing my albums on Azureus so i guess i'll jus have to continue them the next time i have a connection... but i dun have 1 in JB... sigh..
Have to pack later today... and go adjust my car brakes... n pay a final visit 2 d guitar store... n return some cds... n go out w frens... n fetch a fren from d bus station... n so sum paintin'... it's all in a day's work... hehe...
The End is Near
Doomsayer i am not...
Merely proclaiming that...
My honeymoon is...
Nearing an end...
Was warcraftin' n wolfin' earlier... and currently dl-ing guitar lessons... ripping a cd (
vai-7th song)... dl-ing DT albums on azureus... msn-ing n icq-ing w buddies...
Will write more next time i guess
Feelin' much better today... went out for lunch... and the sunway theme park again... but this time no free entry cos d loading bay gate was shut tight... haha... the showhouses... lakeside villas at sunway are so so nice... :)
Did a lil' paintin' again... have to finish my assigned tasks b4 i go back this fri...
Went to wolf at Justin's... pretty fun... it's such an interestin' game... i might wanna start gettin' ppl in Jb to play... haha...
Sick still... i am...
Went to the Lost World of Tambun again and got in free... by chance... i din know if they have started chargin' entrance fees or not but i assume they have... cos after enterin'... i noticed every1 else there had plastic wristbands ard their... well... wrist... hehe... i jus walked in (rather innocently) through the wide open side gate... which was unguarded... i dunno why... so i thought prolly they're not chargin' any1 yet... but it turns out they were... (or so i think)... i exited thru d same way also... unnoticed... haha... but no1 else was enterin' there... surprising... haha...
Drained but Fun
Goin' out nite after nite... meetin' up with friends who are studyin' all over d place now certainly leaves me drained... but it was good fellowship... from pc gamin' to snookerin' to wolfin' to yumchain' to crappin' to deepavali hsevisitin'... yeah... been out the whole of today...
The Lost World of Tambun in Sunway City Ipoh... supposedly open but then when i reached there... everyone was jus standin' outside tryin to take a peek inside... dun tink its fully opened i guess... there was no one inside at dat time oso... except 4 guards n other workers... i guess sumtime later this week it'll open :)
I actually paid a visit to Hospital Bahagia 4 d 1st time in my entire life... :) went with a fren who knows d place well cos he lives ard d area... huge vast fields n nice scenery... no joke... it's a HUGE area... kinda like d UTM campus... haha...
So i'm feelin' quite sick now w a lil sore throat n flu... hope it doesn't worsen... tiring...
I guess i'll miss all of them when we are all back to our respective unis after this festive break...
C'est la vie
Dream Shreddin'
The solo in DT's Hollow Years from the Budokan album is definitely electrifyin'... i've listened 2 it for umpteen times already... :)
I had to go all the way to town jus to get a serial2parallel converter for the newly-bought modem cos d pc at dad's office is rather old n din even haf a free serial port 4 d modem... n to think some of d shops in my place only sell usb modems... when i asked dem 4 serial modems... they were like...
obsolete already... luckily i din ask 4 parallel modems...
There's this music store in YikFoong which has TONS of hard-to-find stuff like videos of guitar instructionals, rock concerts, the hip-hop scene like breakdancin', dj-ing, etc... and also a huge collection of alt, rock, metal n whatever CDs and cassettes... check it out...
Hopefully it doesn't rain cos i'm goin out again later...
I haven't reli played the warcraft hero game b4... although i've heard of it alot... anyway i got killed loads of times yesterday when i started playin' with this whole bunch of frens i met up with... hmmm... after that it was snooker... well... at least my snooker's better den warcraft although both are below par... maybe i shud play more... but probably i'd rather shred more... well... it was good to meet up with a dozen of 'em... ex-classmates n skoolmates...
I hope i dun suffer the side effects of inhaling too much while doin' some painting today... as in painting the door... not art... halfway through a fren of mine dropped by all of a sudden... he's fond of jus showin' up unexpectedly... so anyway we had a nice chat n he's definitely the most proactive, creative n adventurous peer of mine... he's got an actual 4-figure job as a research asst for a num of projs in d uni where he's currently studyin'... and he's jus in well... 3rd yr?...not even a degree-holder!... but he's no nerd... he's jus like... gifted... i guess... i dunno... he can analyze better den memorize... hats off2him
Alright this is the first pic ever on my blog... hmmm... no prizes for guessin'... its my guitar... pretty nice huh? ;)

So anyway... it's been a pretty usual day... ran some family errands... hmmm... and oh yeah... i'm startin' on a new song already... pretty excited... hopefully i get around to completin' it nicely... tabulated it in Guitar Pro too... so that i won't forget what i've written :)
Maybe when i'm done with it i can post it ere although i'm not quite sure how to do that...
On second thoughts... someone might steal d song... its so nice!... haha...
It's 2am and i think i'll go write some more... or maybe i'll end up dozing off straight away :)
Up and Runnin'
After some installation of Norton SystemWorks 2005 n some fixing in Windows... i finally managed to install Java n Azureus... no viruses but den sum registry prob or whatever i dunno... not a geek :)
Shark's Tale... light comedy for all ages... haha... pretty alrite i guess... haven bn 2 JJ on a sat nite in a long while... wow... and haven experienced such scarce parkin' spaces... probably they should finish Tesco quickly so as to disperse the crowd... haha... i guess it should be ready by the beginnin' of next year... that will reli wreak traffic havoc in d East area... or rather Bandar Baru Medan... issit?
If you match a good snooker player with an average one... you'll find that one of them's gonna end up literally being d "ball-picker" n scorekeeper... yeah... that's what i jus witnessed... one of em is hitting in half a dozen balls in succession while the other guy has to go back n forth keepin' d score n replacin' d "non-red" balls... i dunno what's d official term ;)
Well... i din expect it... but it was indeed a small reunion for the 5 of us... 2001 batch of 5sc1... 2 of them i haven met in the past 3 yrs... Khairul n Ahmad... well... the wonders of Friendster :) needless to say... my snooker playin' has gone from bad to worse... haven't bn playin at all since like dunno when... i think i'm more of a social snooker-er nowadays... haha... believe it or not...
Well...its good 2 finally c dat Friendster has sorted our friendlist alphabetically... sumthin they should have done from d start?... with their previous sortin' method of a member's date of signup... it was jus too frustratin' n difficult 2 find a certain person... im sure every one agrees... unless u got like only a page of frens...
A bad thing bout havin too much time in you hands is.. for me at least... u tend to think n reflect a lot unnecessarily... well... jus haf2keep occupied... but its stil borin' sumtimes... wish there were more stuff 2 do n ppl 2 meet...
Haven't reli wrote a song n kept it nicely... not that i haven't composed b4 in d past... yes i have... some with frens... but then i've yet to like reli arrange n complete one perfectly... maybe i should... but then it would take a lot of inspiration... which is hard to come by sometimes... or most of d time in my case ;)
Maybe i'll get d creative juices flowing this fortnight...
I'm not sure if my ears deceived me but on latte at 8 jus now... Jason Lo announced that... "Hitz dot... (quickly realises slip-of-tongue)... 8tv will be (blah blah)"... any of u guys heard it?... it was pretty fast n quite unnoticeable cos he did speak rather quickly but i think i caught that blooper... haha...
Sprained my ring finger... or rather strained d tendon or whatever i guess... ntg big... but den its a lil painful n dat hampers my guitar-playin'... ooh hopefully it's gone 2mr... cos i wanna shreddddddddd
The Cromok fellas who were on d 8tv quickie were pretty starightforward when commentin on d outcome of d US presidential elections... "it doesn't matter who wins.. they will be bombing other countries"... haha... Adam n Marion were jus smilin'... touchy topic...
Hmmm... latest news... Bush wins... oh well...
Supposedly an 8tv girlie nite on tuesdays... well... there reli were sum cool sitcoms n comedies... had me glued on 2 d tv 4 d 2nd day in a row... oh well... i haven bn watchin much anyway... too lil time 2 do so much stuff... doesn't it alwis feel that way?
And so i've spent a total of eleven bucks on Ibanez picks this week alone... extravagant?... haha dun think so considerin' d fact that i haven't bought any for d past like 4 yrs cos i din come across any that were suitable... and finally like a dream come true (ok it's rather overdramatic) i discovered that Ibanez picks were just perfect... shaped like d fave pick i've bn usin' all this while.. finally i dun have to worry bout losin' it... haha... ok so i guess this is kinda boring crappin' bout picks... but i jus had to write it... :)
Well... was glued to ntv7 for an hour plus with back2back shows
The Love Chain and the top20 coundown Listed... this week it was the top 20 one-hit wonders... interesting huh ;) Vanilla Ice's in there too... not a surprise... haha... but surprisingly i jus mentioned him a few days ago out of the blue... nearly forgotten bout him... other artistes in the chart include Meredith Brooks, Marcy Playground, Lisa Loeb, OMC, EMF, Marky Mark(no.1), Cardigans, Blind Melon, The Verve, Aqua, etc... surprisingly the word bitch and sex (& candy) escaped the censors' ears as they were aired... i still remember the time when these songs were played on radio with those words omitted... a sign of more relaxed rules in years to come maybe?... i wish...
So i finally got around to putting a tagboard and getting a photo hosting website... hopefully more pics up... n more tags from u guys ;)
I've got to get my car checked early tomoro so it's early2bed n early2rise :) healthy n wise? i think thats jus nonsense cos a lot of nocturnal ppl i knoe are equally wise, if not more...
A Day Like Any Other
Stomach was churnin' a few mins ago... could it be the food at The Browns?... haha guess not... it's alrite now... guess my tummy's just goin' nuts... went there to meet up with a friend with interestingly weird dreams every now and then... haha...
check them out...
Brother's back from KL... for like 8 hours?... yeah its 1ts close to 0130hrs now n he jus reached home half an hour ago... and he'll be leavin 0800hrs later... came here just to pass a nite i guess.. hehe...
Learnt to play "Metallica-Fade to Black" today... :) must extend my repertoire b4 goin' back 4 d new sem...
It's been around a week i'm in ipoh already... ntg much is happenin'... all is peaceful... practisin' guitar... meetin' up w frens... chillin' out... cool cool...
And the latest victim of terror is a certain Jap guy who got beheaded... may God bless his soul... the war on terror seems to be a stalemate and lose-lose situation... breeding hatred and fueling anger among the anti-Americans... so how's it gonna end when it's a vicious circle?