Piece of Mind
Couch + Web Potato
Most of the time i'm either at the PC:
- Surfing, downloading, chatting...
- Watchin' serials, movies, concerts or blastin' songs i dl-ed
- Trying to study... trying indeed...
Now why would i, in my sane mind, wanna move in to a cell for my remainin' years here?
Hanging in Balance
Don't get me started on the Student Representative Council... they are either a bunch of idiots or puppets... or whatever better (read: worse) term u can think of...
If u want to exercise your rights in the land of the free (is Malaysia one?) and not let your freedom be undermined in anyway... please
DO NOT register unwillingly for hostel places that you do not even want... well i'm sure those readin' this site are pretty well aware of that... so anyway... please spread the word around about the importance of this and the
PRINCIPLE of the issue... for further info please visit
here and
here and
We need an
OVERWHELMING turnout for the official dialogue on Sat 1100hrs... to pressure and convince the authorities to recall their directive... or reach a compromise of some sort... so... like i said... the future is
hanging in balance
p.s. if u dun und d post above, ur probably not involved, so ignore it ;)
Fuelling Anger
Today's breakin' news certainly has displeased most of us... if not angered... the circular which insists that we apply for hostel accommodation... i'm not sure what most of you are gonna do... but from the way it looks like... no one's standing up for their own rights and gettin' united against this... i've a house contract n a phone contract and i bet many of you are similarly tied down... and with the exorbitant rental prices unfitting for a tiny hostel room/dorm... who would wanna stay in... especially when i've got such a huge living space now...
Some are already gettin' ppl together to unite against this high-handedness of the authorities... well... on the other hand some are feelin' helpless not being able to do anythin' bout it... probably a number are happily applyin' for places already...
It's a sad state of affairs...
Drawing To A Close
What was supposedly my last jam session in the orchestra turned out to be... well... nothing at all... it was cancelled... and that marks the end of one sem of drumming... time flies... doesn't it?... it seems like just a few posts ago that i was raving about the Tama there...
Tomorrow... or rather later today... will be the registering of subjects for my 4th year... what??? FOURTH? i didn't realise how 'advanced' i was gettin in my course until the day i filled in the registration form...
Truthfully... time has really come and gone in a blink of an eye... or maybe a thousand blinks... the point is... i'm stuck in another dimension it seems... where i get the illusion that i'm still a freshie here...
Lookin' back... my years in F3-F5 seemed longer... yeah... and before i know it... i would already have finished the whole 5-year course... which is equivalent to the duration we all spent in sec school(!)... somehow... i strongly feel everythin' moved along slower during schooldays...
This must be a borin' post to read... if u haven't already skipped it ;)
Quite a spontaneous reflection... i had nothin' to write actually...
Of course... i could go on about how i have three tests this comin' week... etc... etc... but wouldn't that be even worse...
So guys... seize the day... carpe diem (most widely used quote perhaps?)
Happening Shit
Strictly for music aficionados... check these instruments out.. chances are u haven't played one before... let alone see one ;)... well if u have... let me know... i'm interested...
Have been downloadin' non-stop nowadays for days at end... loads of concerts, shows, n songs to keep myself entertained... :) makin full use of my 22 bucks monthly fee hehe...
Race Against Time
I had the unbelievably simplest lab session of my three years here... the power supply generator in IVAT wasn't functioning and there was now way i could carry out the experiment... and so... all i had to do was COPY the data provided by the lab assistant into my log book and i was good to go... i even certified it with a chop myself... haha... and i have the whole weekend before Monday morn to pass it up... great? ;)
Spent the past 16 hours finishing my assignment which was due at 1230hrs just now... slept only for two hours from 8am... i will definitely hafta take a long nap later...
On Winamp now... Tiesto's Just Be album... 'freshly' dl-ed...
No signs of impending thunderstorms yet... my room is a solar-powered pressure cooker
One of these day's i'll probably go check out my guitar... didn't ehar a word from that guy... damn... have been to busy to go all the way down anyway...
Trance is just so soothing...
Fantasy Fascination
I have long been fascinated with sci-fi/digital/fantasy art... there's a whole lot of websites out there dedicated to it... haven't met others with such similar interests though... besides my bro... who actually introduced me to this vividly imaginative world of surreallism... i guess i just love being lost in the haze of a dream... in the words of Dream Theater (again!)... oh well... in case this seems to interest anyone of you... have a look into the other dimension... just remember to return...
Well... i guess there's much more out there... but i doubt many of u would be interested... btw... my background was "ripped off" from DigitalBlasphemy... with the exception of the headline at the bottom... which i drew in Paint... ;)
Have fun drifting off into space...
Trial of Tears
One test, one lab report and one project left to accomplish before Saturday noon... not pleasing at all... my time management seems to have spiralled downwards into the depths of infinity... or maybe it's a combination of (the lack of) self-discipline and attention-deficit too...
At a risk of stating the obvious... it's been a hot month... everyone readin' in Malaysia should be pretty well aware of that... anyway... time to shower...
Well... i've been gettin' mixed reviews and differing comments on this new look... personally... i think it's much more interesting than the previous one although there's much room for improvement... i don't actually know html... so i had to tweak around quite a bit last nite... copying n pasting the code for the comments n archives n etc... which was not included in the template... hmm... it's not perfect... but i guess it will do for now...
Been watchin the first few episodes of Futurama season 1 today... shall be dl-ing more seasons soon once i clear up some space on my hdd... :)
Was starvin' as i couldn't go out for lunch... left stranded with an 'unstartable' car... had to jumpstart it with the help of my friend next door in the end...
It's V-Day... but i guess it'll be all as usual for some of us ;)
The Nike factory store at the new shophouses opposite Melawis is worth checkin' out for great bargains btw...
Back to school... so
not lookin forward to it... and (some of) the ppl...
All Good Things Must Come To An End
I'm back in JB... rather early... but sun tickets were unavailable... hence the premature departure...
I haven't got the chance to meet a number of people yet... nvm anyway... time is scarce...
So what's been up the past few days.. let me see... reunion dinner on CNY eve... somethin' i've never missed since i was a toddler... Vigil Mass in church at midnight to usher in the new year...
1st day... visited some relatives... spent time w bros who were back... hardly get together... the three of us i mean... one works in pg n the other in kl... what do u expect... went to church [again ;)] at night for Ash Wednesday Mass...
2nd day... reunion luncheon with relatives... and then out practically the whole day with friends hse-visitin'... plans to watch Constantine had to be put off as TGV was sold out... unsurprising... like i've said... traffic conditions are bad... cars crawling at a snail's pace the whole day... worse than ever this time around... met up with other frens for supper...
3rd day... gambled n lost a lil in the afternoon... went to a fren's hse at nite... ate quite a variety of stuff there... jap soba... cookies chinese n western (a fortune one too!)... dried barbecued pork... red wine... crackers... etc
4th day... sadly... departin on a mornin' bus... what's worse... two uni mates of mine were left stranded in the bus station as their bus broke down n hence they had to find another bus to board... i wonder if they managed to buy in the end... probably they'll have to return late... mon or tues... afaik... sun tix are all sold out... sat ones too i guess...
Having endless chats, reminisces, jokes, food n laughter at home certainly beats the miserable pace of life down here
Final Destination: JJ
My uncle once quipped that all roads lead to Jusco... well... i think he may be quite right... ok so JJ is jammed up like hell yet again... but today it was filled with people who were back for their holidays from places afar... bein' jobless n restless (as usual)... my fren and I began our chick-spotting, friend-bumping and time-wasting jaywalking there in the afternoon... and we probably bumped into/spotted/met up with dozens of friends/acquaintances/familiar faces... some were shoppin'... hangin' out... some were even walkin' aimlessly just to bump into ppl... haha... no wonder the place is extremely overcrowded...
Out at night again after goin' home for dinner... met up with a couple of frens... haven't met 'em in mths... years... even at the mamak's there were quite a num of other ex-schoolmates there... wow... it seems like there's nowhere u can't bump into ppl... small town ain't it?
Somewhere I Belong
Was down with a sudden high fever Thurs nite for no apparent reason... after the reunion steamboat dinner with my fellow coursemates... didn't go to see the doctor anyway... i have a tendency of not doing so... well.. after 6 pills of Panadol and 30 hours later... i was pretty alright already... luckily... ;)
Met up with a whole bunch of friends last nite til late... some of whom i haven't seen for a year perhaps... practically spent most of yesterday out as i had been hangin' out since afternoon... Elektra wasn't as action-packed as i thought but nevertheless passable to say the least... thanks to a hot leading actress perhaps...
Nothin' beats reminiscing on old times with old frens... i'm sure many would agree... but much has changed too... mostly for the better... with seven future docs at the same mamak stall table... i wasn't spared from having to listen to endless medical jargon throughout the nite... well... in a way it was educational perhaps? Don't get me wrong... it wasn't some boring med forum but instead... highly amusing n crappy chatter... ;)
For the past year i don't think i've actually exercised... most of the time axercising perhaps? :) well... finally i went to the gym much to the surprise of everyone... haha... did some joggin' n cyclin'... tired before long though... well... since i can't axe-cercise now what else have i gotta do? ;)
I shall keep my seemingly endless heaps of praises for
DT short... so anyway... I'm listenin' to their Rotterdam '98 fan club show now... it's not on any of their officially released albums save for some of the songs which are in the Five Years in a LIVEtime video... downloaded it through BT... just like the other 4GB of DT studio albums, EPs, unreleased demos, official concert videos, exclusive fan club CDs and bootlegs that i am currently collecting... ;) great quality for a bootleg btw...
The orchestra 'jam session' this morn was pretty ok... well the drumset today had five toms so i got to rollllllll more... :P
CNY's approachin'... had a haircut just now... but didn't get myself new clothes... yet... probably i won't...
Two more days and then i'll be on the long journey home...