Piece of Mind
Sleep Less Play More
Travellin' at 5 in the am to Desaru certainly is a challenge for any driver... misty and windy roads... well luckily it wasn't me ;)... was at Danga Bay earlier that night btw... came home for a while... and off we went 'in search of sunrise'(inspired by tiesto)... it was cloudy at the horizon when we reached tho'... but anyway... the sea breeze was so refreshing i wasn't even aware i didn't sleep the whole night... :P i love beaches n sunsets... or maybe it's the side-effects of watchin' o.c.'s newport too often nowadays... or maybe it's lost?...
Spent a couple of hours there 'digging my toes into the sand' (an incubus line)... standing on the shoreline feelin' the waves... enjoyin' the panoramic view of the south china sea... can't blame me... i've only been to the west coast beaches all this while...
After an early lunch in Johor Jaya... my 24-hour marathon ended at noon... tired i was...
Wading in a pool of knee-deep mud
When will I be out of this endless rut
Days turn into months, I'm still stuck
To escape, I'm trying hard
Falling fast, I'm crushed within
The cold gets under my skin
Thoughts unceasing, cause a din
Everything begins to spin
Hoping against hope
That soon it will end
Answers revealed
That I comprehend
Three fifths
Three down two to go...
What am i referring to?
The number of years left to endure/enjoy before i get that all-important scroll, providin' i work for it of course...
Work? I think that makes up barely a few percent of my time here...
Which explains the unsatisfactory, but deserving results...
It's been extremely hot again for the past week... i can barely sleep...
Time for some tv episodes... :)
You Are 16 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
Troubled Traverse
Adrift in a sea of
Delusive consciousness
Drowning in the depths of
Apparent reality
Distressed, depressed
Whirling in turbulence
Questions lurk within
The fragile mind
Enshrouded by vagueness
Nothing more but a dream?
The angst of denial is
A prelude to indecision
Wary of stepping forward
For fear of tripping
Anticipating an arrival
Of unknown existence
An endless wait perhaps?
Minus One
Boy am i happy today...
Well... my Saturday started off at 9.30am with a solid mechanics test... but that's not the point... ;)
My day REALLY kicked off when i walked into Countach Studio with my band at three in the pm for a free recording session... yes u heard that right... kru productions and salem are sponsorin' free Recharge sessions... as they call it... at various studios all across Malaysia... for Ipoh they are Revival n Ameba... so Ipoh buddies... i'd be lookin' forward to recordin' with u guys sometime during my long break which starts in a fortnight...
So anyway... we spent an hour plus jammin' and recordin' all our usual stuff... of course we were far from perfection... we even had an instant photo session after the jam... and our demo cd out in the next week... it's not like anyone's gonna sign us up with that demo cd :P but at least we can strive for the best in sessions to come... after all they're free hehe...
Spendin' an hour in the studio brightens up the other 23 hours of today...
Btw i heard parts of our demo... they dun sound too bad... :)
It's Been Awhile...
I'm in a good mood ;) Not that i've alwis been in a bad mood (or have i?)... but today certainly was a good day when compared to many others... jaded with the usual routine... i certainly need to break away...
Everyone involved should be aware that the submission date of appeal letters is on 10 March at 1000hrs... that said... much has been discussed in the forums regarding the principle of the issue... for instance... appealing for something which was all the while our fundamental right... of course, i shall not delve deeper into that... u could always go visit the message boards for interesting reads...
What i do know is that there are many people currently sacrificing time and effort workin' behind-the-scenes co-ordinating this whole process of protest, appeal and championing of our rights so that everythin' will run smoothly... i have heard their (the crisis team's) view and opinion on this matter of appealing... well... basically it's just a small strategy in offerin' the authorities a road to peaceful settlement and compromise... if this meets with a dead end... only then will the lawsuits start pouring in i guess... not too mention a couple of other stuff they are currently workin' on...
Through this ordeal (which is far from being over)... i'm once again reminded of the importance of student bodies (excl. MPP perhaps) and NGOs... some might seem politically-charged and all... but then if everyone was just busy minding their own business like ONLY poring over their books for example... then i do not think we would have gone this far... it's times like these that these zealous champions speak up for the rest of us... and strategize our counter-attack... for that i'm grateful...
Politics is a ballgame i have yet to grasp... some of my peers are more aware than I am though... whatecer it is... now is the time to combine our efforts and outwit our oppressors...
Too Free?
Here's some pics of my desktop... without a camera... the only pics i can take are by pressing print screen :P
I just love opaque windows... notice that everythin' from trillian to winamp to bitspirit is opaque... even this blog is :P
foxytunes is such a useful extension... it's at the firefox's status bar... now i can change tracks without leavin' my browser...

Blue desktop... literally blue :P
Firefox rox...

FoxyTunes on the status bar...
Lowdown On THE Showdown
Well... it was certainly the first time i attended a showdown of this sort... probably cos i was concerned for my own welfare... hehe... there were some heated discussion and blunt remarks at times... but most of it turned out to be quite crappy with repetitive questions n cocky answers... well... much was trashed out in that two and a half hour session... some were very direct... which was good as it captured everyone's attention... most spoke reservedly... i was straining to hear as i stood all the way at the back...
The verdict? No guarantees... no absolute promises of exemption... no power? Bureaucracy it seems... all too often have we heard of excuses like
I shall bring this up in the next meeting...
I shall refer to so-and-so... Not entirely a satisfying close to the dialogue... just hope he actually keeps his word on seriously bringing up this matter to his
superiors... too often have they adopted a lackadaisical attitude in the past... can we be optimistic about it?
And i quote...
forcing 4000 rebellious students in will bring about more probs in campus...
The weather's cooler with consecutive days of showers in the evening...
Had jam sessions in my room with a couple of friends... it's been awhile... i haven't been playin much anyway since the absence of my ax... one of the guys is a reli talented shredder btw... i would say he can play some of malmsteen's pieces to perfection... that's pretty fast ;)
Before i know it... my finals will be over... and it looks like i haven't got anythin' done... :)