cnet's recent dual-core processor
amd's athlon 64 x2 4800+ outperformed all others in every test round... and it's better value for money than
intel's best offering too... i'm on amd so of course i'm on their side... ;)
downloaded a couple of old school dos games last night...
alleycat... man... those came out ages ago... i checked... they were released around '84... about my age huh...
my guitar's intonation is out and i can't bring it to my fave shop
musicraft anymore cos they're already closing... and the repairman isn't around... oh man... now my solos sound worse than ever... just went there today to accompany my fellow bassist get a cable... but there were none left... haha... the racks are practically bare... boy am i gonna miss the 'friendly neighbourhood guitar store'...
my car's gonna die from corrosion soon... having some parts resprayed and replaced this thursday... boy does everythin' cost a lot of money...
today is the seventh day of my return...
what has happened in the past week?
in a way... quite a lot... and also nothing much...
i haven't put as much as time as i thought i would into really practising...
but that was because i was just too busy goin' out here and there...
and life outside's been rather happening...
unpredictable it is...
well... my journey home was far from uneventful... luckily for us... at the end of the day... we were safely home... travellin' for 0.727Mm all in all was indeed tiring... man... if anythin' can go wrong... it will... especially to my car when i'm on the highway... :) spent half the day literally on the road... and it was 2200 when i reached home... a delicious burger at burger king for dinner was probably the best part of the trip... hehe...
time to unwind... practise shredding... enlarge my dvd library... go on a few trips...
No... i'm not talking bout the long workin' hours i'll have to endure in the future... (excluding overtime of course)
That's roughly the duration of my journey home today... at least it will not be a solo feat this time... it can be pretty boring... and not to mention dangerous at times...
Right... one hour to pack... and i'll be good to go... till the next post... signin' out...
i'm glad my course isn't in this list... but i wouldn't be too happy about that either...
they like to change decisions overnight... retarded administration...
well... a number of u guys readin' this are affected i know... let's hope it's not here to stay...
i didn't know that there was such a
campaign until i read it on
the raw feed... i must start readin' the newspaper when i get back home i guess... malaysian cops certainly have innovative ways of enforcing the law... i'm not sure if this method is also being practised elsewhere overseas... the
hall of shame is worth checkin' out... just for entertainment... if you've too much time in your hands that is... :)
years of my university life are officially over as of today... phew... what a journey it has been...
serpent had a little barbecue gathering... an end-of-term farewell of sorts... it has indeed been the most active period for the band lately... taking part in two competitons over the past three months... getting to know fellow local rockers and bands... whom we have grown quite close with in a short span of time... strangers have become acquaintances... buddies... love has even blossomed among a few...
it has definitely been a great semester... more jamming... more newfound rocker buddies... more gear (an amp, a bass, a guitar & two effect pedals) among
serpent members... more exposure to the band scene... more songwriting (we've completed one new song and are currently workin' on the other... in fact we just composed some lyrics at the party)... in short... more FUN
hopefully things will even be better in the second semester... maybe a gig or two?... or some recording?... more composing?...
the fun has just begun :)

i hope i'll be able to make it to their concert in singapore... its a dilemma for me as i will have to rush home the next day immediately to ipoh for the cny reunion dinner... man... what timing... moreover bus tickets will be very ex... so probably i'll have to drive if i wanna get home without the hassle of rushing for cheap tickets... if there are any at all...
i really don't wanna miss this... now i'll have to start makin' arrangements already i guess... man... that's two months in advance... well... well... anyone of u guys interested? ;)
blast off was in the afternoon... and since we have been busy with preparations for finals... we've hardly jammed... until the final hour before setting off to the audition... we got to practice... for the first time with our guest drummer... it was pretty alright i guess... just an hour to get our act together... if we make it to the next stage it will truly be quite a feat... :)
we adjourned to a sumptous raya dinner after that at a friend's place... after which we were chattin' on a whole lotta stuff... most of which are unsuitable for mention here because they are rather horrifying... well... i had an interesting time listening to the many true experiences though... and also some rather spooky revelations on the origin of my band's first song... which was initially written by my fellow bandmate... before i chipped in with the melody and chords... i won't elaborate though...
back to countach for the second jam of the day... this time with the full serpent lineup... our drummer was finally free from his academic commitments... at least for a while... it was cool to finally get together again... after a month plus or more i think...
pics up later i guess... it's been a long day... out for twenty hours already... time for bed... after a lil surfin' first ;)
one paper down and three left to go...
just got confirmation from my fellow bandmate that we'll be auditioning for
blast off this sunday afternoon... right after
digital systems in the morn... i think we'll probably jam for an hour or so with the new drummer just before the audition... what a last-minute thingy... i hope we can pull somethin' decent off... 2.0 is out... its interface and functions are very much similar to
the other popular office suite... and it has all the word processing, presentation and spreadsheet capabilities you'll need... and more... but above all... it's
FREE! get yours today... it is indeed very good...
had a reunion jam with ex-
high pass filter bandmate who was in town for a couple of days... along together with my current bandmates...
time for bed... the sun's rising...
some interestin' news... malaysia is the world's
largest exporter of... *drum roll
a la portnoy*...
now... that shouldn't come as a surprise to many... but it is indeed quite a feat to be
proud(?) of :P
take a look at the
like i've mentioned earlier a few posts ago... dvd peddlers in downtown jb were blatantly displaying their wares in front of uniformed cops patrolling on duty... if any mpaa or riaa or rim execs were there... i suppose their jaws will drop... appalled at the disregard for the law... and the poor (if any) enforcement...