Piece of Mind
Dreaded Dentist
Well... a trip to the dentist ain't that dreadful for me actually... cos i have to go there regularly anyway... good news... takin' out that long-overdue braces during my next appt... finally... still stuck with retainers though... hehe...
Listenin' to
Joe Satriani's Surfing With The Alien album now... a 1987 release but it's the first time i'm listenin to the full album... haha... cant blame me... u expect me 2 listen 2 prog rock at 3?... haha i did listen 2 rap at 6 though... i could rap the whole of Ice Ice Baby ;)
Been a pretty borin' day... slept most of it...
Stormy Seas
Reached the Pearl of d Orient thurs evenin' only to be greeted by raindrops fallin' on my head... stayed at some condo overlookin' d sea... nice view... loved it... no sunset to watch though... nevermind that... dinnered at Gurney Plaza... suppered at Gurney Drive... nice food (duh!)... managed to watch Fear Factor too... haha... a lesson to learn... it pays to be good at pool/snooker :) unless ur capable of digestin' super-hot chillies... 100-year old eggs... squids' insides... live ants... sounds yummy?
Well it was pouring damn heavily on d way back... right during the time we were at the infamous killer Jelapang stretch... traffic was slow for like half an hour or so... glad nothin' went wrong... considerin' the recent events involving highways in Malaysia...
Unsurprisingly Pg traffic was mad n hell-ish with inconsiderate drivers flouting all rules... but i guess that's d only way to get around?
Jam n Bum Around
Well... just downloaded
Dream Theater's Live at Budokan album a fortnight ago... it's really cool prog rock... superb musical wizardry from Julliard n Berklee alumni... check their site out if ur into shred n rock... ;)
Spent the whole afternoon... somethin like a quarter of the day... hitting the guitar stores around town... spending hours at one even... the ppl at MusicCraft are friendly no doubt... that's where i got my Marshall... so my friend and I were there checkin' out some gear... a Boss MT-2 Metal Zone stompbox to be exact... i bought a couple of Ibanez picks too... i finally found the ideal size of picks which matched the one I am using now... only Ibanez has it... cos i used to rummage through the whole shop's collection before... that's why I know... ;) it's great... I've finally found what I've been lookin' for for like five years?... i think it's five... one of the picks is a Paul Gilbert signature... kinda like d standard Ibanez thick plectrum anyway... it jus has sum of his designs on it... but Ibanez picks rule! Yeah... and of course their axes too... :P
Will be on the road in a couple of hours... goin' overseas... oh well... maybe not... overstraits is more like it... goin' to Penang... chill out by d beach... haven't bn there in d past two years... so it's good to be goin' there again...
I haven't packed yet... so i guess i'll just end this now...
Drizzle Away
What was supposed to be a visit to the neighbourhood night market ended up as a warcraft battle again... dun blame it on me... blame it on the rain... not that missing the night market was a big deal anyway... but it's just some sort of a tradition that we have been faithfully keeping here... :)
So it was just another regular night out... met up with friends... topics of discussion?... hmmm... soccer... guitar... pcgames... and uni life... hmm... dun think we touched on babes... or did we?... haha... ooh maybe jus a lil...
Holidays are cool so far... tentatively leavin' for a two-day trip to Penang this Thurs but i'm not sure if the plan's gonna work out... hmmm... due to some 'unforseen' circumstances... i think that phrase has been overused to death... a lame excuse i would think... in most of the ocassions...
Probably hittin some guitar stores 2moro... alright! :)
Well... the latest result for one of d exam subs which jus came out cheered me up quite a bit... cos it starts with d first letter of d alphabet... most of the others aren't...
It was a nice afternoon... had some jammin' in my house... waking the neighbours from their siestas yeah... haha... and after that it was a warcraft battle at imax cc... great to be able to meet some old friends again... and hang out...
There's no denyin' there ain't so many ppl in ipoh at this time of the year... refferin' 2 friends of mine actually... but i guess that's just the way it is... everyone's scattered in every far corner of the world pursuing their own dreams... piled up in their books... burdened by their workload... or probably lazing around enjoyin' sunset on the beach... hopefully we will all be lucky enuff 2 laze around more... dun we wish?
Dialup's bad (duh!)
Well... i think its time to reformat my pc... haven't done it ever... hmmm... system n programs aint workin smoothly it seems... and probably a lousy dialup connection im usin' now makes it look worse... dunno whether its line prob or system prob... sigh...
Alright... Schwarzenegger is proposing more hydrogen stations to be built in the future... after recently unveiling the first one... in some US state i forgot... and also... there's this mass-produced car called Hummer which is now available... in the US at least... good 4 counterin' overdependence on crude oil...
What else... Brazil has introduced a light aircraft that runs on ethanol from sugar cane... aint that great... besides... Volvo has also grabbed some awards in some motorshow with their new lithium-ion concept car which has stunnin' good looks n acceleration... 0-60mph in 10secs... on li-ion!
Can't remember the details of what i read in d papers all d time... haha... i think d Volvo is called SCC... too lazy to check...
With petrol prices soaring and natural resources decreasing... it's hi-time these vehicles hit d market...
Exam results are out... hmmm... not reli helping to make the holidays happy... well anyway its over... worse still... i can't seem get the java to be installed on order to run bit torrent... frustrating!!!
So... i guess that's all for now cos.... hmmm... i've got no mood?... haha...
I'm tryin' hard to get my BitTorrent dls to go faster but as of now, they're still crawling at a snail's pace... that's frustratin'... hmph...
So i went jammin' (yet again)... the band is still lacking in many aspects though... well... for one we haven't reli got time to practice (as it was muggin-season b4 this)... had a good time rockin' anyway... chopsuey, ktulu, fade2black, etc etc... :)
I think i'm gonna see how my dls are now...
Dodgeball... the umpteenth movie of the week... haha... well jammin' was cool alrite... finally i get2unwind after a hell-ish fortnight... slept at sunrise and woke up in d afternoon to find that it was raining... cooling n nice huh... :)
So the prices of petrol worldwide have been making headlines nowadays... 55USD per barrel... i dunno how it's gonna turn out in the months to come but i'm keepin my fingers crossed n hopin' for the best... i think it's time someone mass-produced affordable autos that run on renewable energy sources... as far as i know... the hybrid models in production now are still pretty ex... and not available locally anyway...
Members of Creed sans ex-lead singer have formed Alter Bridge... yeah... with a replacement vocalist of course... haven't got a chance to hear them yet... hopefully they dun disappoint...
Finals Finale
Yes... that's it... after about a fortnight's hiatus... it's back to normal... no more revision n studyin for the next couple of months... :)
Just watched Ladder 49... touchin' indeed... a life of a heroic firefighter, Jack... nothing unexpected... but yet, the simple-yet-beautiful storyline manages to give u an interesting insight into the ups n downs of Jack's life... a real tear-jerker in the end...
What else have i watched in the past week... Taxi... yeah... a mediocre comedy... reminds me of Collateral... both of the cab drivers are on a mission... forced to be actually... and then there's White Chicks by the Wayans bros... quite dumb it is... but plain funny with slapstick humor... unrealistic the show may seem... on the contrary... The Bourne Supremacy is worth every cent watching... though i didn't spent any ;) Fast-paced thriller with loads of CIA n KGB intelligence personnel in action...
Guess i'll get goin... will be rockin' in the studio a few hours from now...
Split but not Splintered
Bent but not Broken
Dented but not Damaged
Pressed but not Pressured
And so it begins...
Well... finally i've got my links up to some other fellow blogger's sites... thanks to a
good Samaritan who provided me with the code cos i am HTML-illiterate... hehe... well the least i could do to show my appreciation is to ask u guys to check his blog ;)
And so it has begun... my finals actually... pretty boring topic to touch on though... let's just move along...
Well... have you guys ever had certain special fave songs that were capable of just lifting you up into a utopian dimension? I think most of u have... as for me... i dream of being at the mountaintop looking out into a orange and reddish sunset sky... especially when i hear the song
Everything I Planned by MLTR... somewhat like the Love is Only A Feeling (another song i luv) video during the part where Justin Hawkins taps his Les Paul (the solo n outro in other words)... I think the view is just so panoramic with the silver (golden?) linings of clouds and the sun rays beaming from beyond the horizon... simply breathtaking...
Name is another song that will forever be etched in my memory... there's jus somethin' unexplainably immensely powerful yet soothing about it... one of my all-time faves for sure... John Rzeznik of the GGD sure is a superb songwriter... cos Iris is right up there with Name too! Songs with simple melodies and arrangement... and yet so profound in meaning and ambience...
That's right... 24 hours... less than that actually... to my first paper... haha... wish me luck...
Much has been said in the news over the comments posted on the blog of
Jeff Ooi... when will we have total freedom of speech and press?... The Net is a free-for-all zone guys... Make sure it'll alwis be kept that way... Another up and coming news-cum-watchdog site is
Justice Peace... run by an anonymous freedom fighter...
That's about all for now... Back to work...
Ironically... just after the day i blogged on d rainy weather here... the thunderstorms have stopped and d sun hasnt stopped shining for 3 days in a row... (well, save nightfall of cos duh, its d equator not d poles)... my room's like a furnace and i can't get anythin' done tho' i still haf studies 2 catch up on... so i jus had 2 find a place w broadband & aircon... and that's how i end up here (on9 again... yeah)
Jammin' is cool... jus went jammin' like a couple of days ago... wasn't D best session ever but still... it beats revisin' anytime (duh)... :)
Two finalists left in Idol... i wonder who'll win... it's not that i have been followin' their progress anyway cos i haven't bn watchin TV for months now... i do get updates from various staunch-weekly-followers though... hehe...
hitz.fm will be in Ipoh this week... fyi guys... :)
Let me go surf awhile first...
4 Days
Four days to go and its the start of the finals... and already I am lookin' forward to goin' home... lots to study nonetheless... hopefully all will go well... ;)
The online minesweeper on MSN is pretty cool... a friend intro-ed it 2 me last night n so dats how i got to know it... good for whiling all the hours away... haha...
The Wi-fi in D07 is pretty alright... connection speeds are fast... downloads are in the range of 100k/s... not bad at all... now i'm waitin' 2 c if d whole campus would be Wi-fi enabled...
Been downloadin' loads of
guitar pro tabs... bein' a shredder wannabe... haha... any shredders out there too?... drop me a line...
The umpteenth VCD of the fortnight... Collateral... not bad a thriller... not exceptional either... IMHO again... hehe... so it's been a Sunday like any other today... been rainin every now n then... wonder why the weather here is so fickle... but then it certainly has rained daily for the past weeks for as long as i can recall... upsetting any plans to dry the laundry... so im left with stinky-not-dried-under-the-sun clothes... haha... what to do... blame it on the weather(man?)...
New Police Story
Two thumbs up (3 if possible) for New Police Story!!! Simple yet interesting storyline with some plot twists n surprises with well-choreographed fistfight scenes (Jackie Chan's in it if u dunno already) plus loads of crossfire between trigger-happy rich wacko brats with the cops... explosions and crashes and stunts all over... IMHO it is more interestin than AVP n Resident Evil put together... for me at least... New Police Story reli surpasses my expectations... reli worth a watch guys :)