Piece of Mind



Dialup's bad (duh!)

Well... i think its time to reformat my pc... haven't done it ever... hmmm... system n programs aint workin smoothly it seems... and probably a lousy dialup connection im usin' now makes it look worse... dunno whether its line prob or system prob... sigh... Alright... Schwarzenegger is proposing more hydrogen stations to be built in the future... after recently unveiling the first one... in some US state i forgot... and also... there's this mass-produced car called Hummer which is now available... in the US at least... good 4 counterin' overdependence on crude oil... What else... Brazil has introduced a light aircraft that runs on ethanol from sugar cane... aint that great... besides... Volvo has also grabbed some awards in some motorshow with their new lithium-ion concept car which has stunnin' good looks n acceleration... 0-60mph in 10secs... on li-ion! Can't remember the details of what i read in d papers all d time... haha... i think d Volvo is called SCC... too lazy to check... With petrol prices soaring and natural resources decreasing... it's hi-time these vehicles hit d market...
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