Piece of Mind
Chaos in Eden
Or is it Eden in chaos?... well... the midnight sale surely drew throngs of ppl... the queue of cars waiting to cross the customs checkpoint was one helluva a long snake... but that's not the whole story yet... some junky van started to overheat in the indoor carpark with smoke billowing out of its engine... enshroudin' all the other cars who were waiting in the jam... when suddenly cries of alarm were heard... ppl were running away from the van and screaming at all the other ppl still waiting in their cars to "run for their lives"... "it's gonna explode!"... just like a scene from The Day After Tomorrow... (over)dramatic... every1 then just left their cars and ran for safety... well... everythin was under control later i guess... they extinguished d fire(?)... i didn't see any though... probably jus cooled d engine down...
I noticed a weird number plate on a Perdana there... BAMbee 53... i checked the RTD licence and sure enough it was a legitimate registration... hmmm... wonder how u get one of those...
Paul Gilbert's picks suit me best... but what i didn't know was that he's actually a comedian... check his
site... for those of you who haven't heard of him... oh well... he's a clown... quite evident from his junky page... hehe...
What was meant to be last-minute studyin' turned out to be none at all...and moreover ... i woke up too late... couldn't hear my alarm i guess... so there goes a few marks flying out the window...
A few gig a day keeps the music pumpin'... yeah... got myself 50 Cds today to burn all this stuff out... ;)
Takin' a break from bein a net potato now...
Temperatures high enough to boil my blood... weather's so hot i hope i can survive... a num of ppl are already fallin' sick... i'd better stay indoors... after all there's broadband ;)
The number of blackouts in my area in a year certainly outnumbers the number of times our national side has ever lifted an international soccer tourny trophy...
Viruses spreadin' thru IM file transfers would have ruined my PC had i not been wary against them... a close call... can't afford to have my HDD wiped out... although i am beginnin' to burn out my stuff onto CDs... there doesn't seem to be enough space for my endless downloads...
Electromagnetics n guitarists dun mix? I dun see how im gonna pull it off tomorrow as i haven't studied for my quiz............ yet
I've JP's Rock Discipline on 2CDs... those interested in learnin' from the axemeister himself can burn from me :)
The Sultan arrived in a Cadillac (i think) limo today in campus... superbly luxurious car... haven't seen one before... ;) didn't see the king himself tho'... sum students were happily snappin' away at the car... if i had a cam i would've 2...
Let's hope some last-minute studyin' now will do the trick...
For those not in the know... dun ever turn ur windows auto live updates on... my innocent hsemate got his pc locked down by microsoft... copyright infringment reasons i guess... ;)
So... let's see... i have dl-ed Petrucci's Rock Discipline, DT's Infinity, Images, Dreams, Seoul bootleg and so forth in the past 24 hrs...
Dinner time...
Finally... my chasing game with Telekom is over... i wun be getting into details on what i've gone thru this past week of getting them to buck up... i'm glad i finally have the world in my room...
Dream Theater Live in Seoul bootlegs currently downloadin' fast on Azureus...
Chat boxes poppin up on MSN...
Winamp Radio on Frequence3 playin sum radio-friendly rock...
Skype in d background currently...
Uncountable Firefox tabs...
Norton definitons n updates installed...
Finally... i'm beginnin' to savour the advancements of technology... at my convenience...
Forget 'bout SS2 or Bangsar or SJ... Ipoh Garden's the new shoppin' heaven... mad traffic like rush hour in downtown KL... well at least on J-Card Day today.. hehe... everyone n their mothers n grannys were there... no joke... i went w my mum too... haha... dirt cheap offers... JJ's extended new-layout supermarket's pretty nice too... competition with Tesco across the street no doubt... both open at 8am now... i was shocked when i first heard that... n Tesco closes at 1am weekends... yeah... ppl clubbin' in the area can alwis pop in to buy groceries perhaps? ;) or cheap liquor to drink by the road... Makro's not too far off either...I wonder if they have similarly extended their openin' hrs?... meanwhile downtown The Store's takin' over d ex-Ocean complex i've heard... another cheap place for (super)marketin'... and that's not all... Giant in Sunway Shoppin' Cenre Tambun is set to join the race sometime soon i guess...
Rotiboy has arrived... where is Starbucks? I dun see why someone is willing to open an outlet in Tmn U while no one realises the huge market here... weird...
I think over the past week over half of Ipoh's population have been shoppin' in my backyard...
Recent Friendster b.board posts which caught my attention:
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
A quarter-life crisis describes the phase twenty-somethings have to go through... facing new problems and challenges in their career (sucky as it may be)... wonderin' why on earth are they stuck in a job far from their childhood dreams and teenage aspirations... or worse still... left jobless... it marks the point in life where we realise many of your friends are merely superficial and honest people are hard to come by... worries about financial and marital affairs cloud our minds... where our future remains uncertain...
And on a lighter note:
Among the list of things gals think guys shud know...
"Jus because u L the C doesn't mean we hafta S the D"
Skipped a whole day's lectures... bad... :(
Went snooker with ppl i haven played with before... good... :)
Made a mess during supper... bad... :(
Watchin' a new HK serial which topped d ratings... good... :)
Haven started preparin my lab report... bad... :(
Goin' back Ipoh Sunday... good... :)
Have to study for two tests durin' hols... bad... :(
Two litres in two days... it was a fun birthday n new year celebration with my coursemates... i'm ever grateful for the existence of the duty-free zone here which makes it more affordable for us to indulge in chocs n u-know-what... haha...
Traffic in JB was crawling at a snail's pace on NYE esp. along Danga Bay although all official countdown celebrations were cancelled... so we decided to jus smuggle d booze n party at someone's hse... boy did we make a mess that nite... but it was pretty cool cos we never had a drinkin' spree together as coursemates... thx2all those who cleaned up... sorry i couldn't help ;)
I should dilute my drinks next time... haha...
That's what my blog's name is...
That's also a part of a guitar...
For the unenlightened...

Here's my sob story...
A week ago... this 'smart' housemate of mine was in my room... lying around n kickin' his legs in the air when suddenly...
I watched helplessly as my Ibanez crashed onto its front... leaving the fretwires dented... thus rendering it 'handicapped'...
Keeping my cool... i assessed the wreckage... oops... damage... luckily the neck n the body were not split in two!... anyway... i couldn't bend or vibrato anymore on certain frets as the fretwires were uneven... cut sharply by the strings during its impact to be exact... the nut was also chipped pretty badly...
I was soon to find out that no one in Skudai was capable of refretting it nicely... mind u it's a delicate job which can render d whole guitar useless/tuneless if botched... kinda like killin' a patient on the surgery table... or whatever...
It was the Sunday after Xmas... n i had two tests that comin' week... so i had to postpone my trip to a certain guitar repair expert in Plaza Seni JB... recommended to me by a friend of mine who is the former's nephew...
So the Sunday after NY... i finally took it down... the guy said it would be a painstakin' job but he assured me that my guitar would be in good hands n repaired to the best of his ability... i can only wait n hope everythin's done nicely when i go to collect it in a fortnight's time...
Well... it's been awhile since i updated my blog... one week plus... sorry... so many things have happened since then... well... well... dun think i can remember to write everythin especially after gettin' stoned on new year's day...
Let me see... i had a couple of tests... met up with a couple of old frens... helplessly watched as my Ibanez fell crashing onto the floor beacuse of my 'bull-in-a-china-shop' fren... sent it for repair a week later (yesterday)... celebrated Christmas in church... sent my car for some engine tuning yesterday too (my stuff's goin havoc!)... spent birthday with my dear coursemates at stulang n danga bay gettin' tipsy... celebrated new year's with a whole bunch of coursemates... thanks guys for the company... sorry for the inconvenience... bed breakin'... ppl pukin'... but it was all fun wasn't it... ;)
2004 ended in quite a sad way with the deaths of countless people all across the Southern Hemisphere... may their souls rest in peace...
Gotta run... still have unchecked mails pilin' up...