That's what my blog's name is...
That's also a part of a guitar...
For the unenlightened...

Here's my sob story...
A week ago... this 'smart' housemate of mine was in my room... lying around n kickin' his legs in the air when suddenly...
I watched helplessly as my Ibanez crashed onto its front... leaving the fretwires dented... thus rendering it 'handicapped'...
Keeping my cool... i assessed the wreckage... oops... damage... luckily the neck n the body were not split in two!... anyway... i couldn't bend or vibrato anymore on certain frets as the fretwires were uneven... cut sharply by the strings during its impact to be exact... the nut was also chipped pretty badly...
I was soon to find out that no one in Skudai was capable of refretting it nicely... mind u it's a delicate job which can render d whole guitar useless/tuneless if botched... kinda like killin' a patient on the surgery table... or whatever...
It was the Sunday after Xmas... n i had two tests that comin' week... so i had to postpone my trip to a certain guitar repair expert in Plaza Seni JB... recommended to me by a friend of mine who is the former's nephew...
So the Sunday after NY... i finally took it down... the guy said it would be a painstakin' job but he assured me that my guitar would be in good hands n repaired to the best of his ability... i can only wait n hope everythin's done nicely when i go to collect it in a fortnight's time...