As Kimi was pushing his car to the limits in the closing laps of the European Grand Prix... he must be thinkin... "cos i want it all, or nothin' at all"... well... in the end... Lady Luck favored Alonso when the McLaren couldn't take it anymore during the last lap... well i guess any other racer would have tried to push his luck similarly if he were in the Iceman's shoes that time... if only his suspension could withstand one more lap of torture... but this was not to be... sadly for him... had he played safe he would have wound up third with six points if i'm not mistaken... but i guess that's just the way life is...
This is the second match/race of this week that has left spectators worldwide hangin' on to the edge of their seats right till the very end... the first being the Reds triumph in Istanbul a few days back... certainly a very eventful week in soccer and motor racing history...
Thoroughly enjoyed the trip to Cameron's on Friday... probably will let the pictures i'm about to post in the near future speak for themselves... too lazy to elaborate... hehe...
I can't believe the Reds actually came back from a three-goal deficit to become the European Champions... this will be a match that will go down in history surely... I was watchin' the whole of the first half and had hardly any expectations judging by their performance... so I went to sleep early as I had to wake up early today...
So... upon opening Google's news this mornin'... what a HUGE but pleasant shock it was to see the Reds liftin' the trophy... somethin' I would not have guessed when I retired to bed...
I should watch a replay of the goals sometime soon...
Time to go out...
Have been going around most of the hyper/super/whatever markets around... there is such a sudden abundance of malls of late... and the ever-popular J-Card day is tomorrow... so i'll have to sacrifice my sleepin'-the-mornin'-away routine to do some shoppin' at nine in the a.m... and i can assure you it will already be packed like hell when i get there... what to do... bro's weddin'... have to buy lots of stuff... from juice to liquor... sheets to shirts... ties to towels... hmmm...
Newspapers are big-time spoilers... i haven't got the chance to watch the final eps of Desperate Housewives yet but they already revealed the details of the finale... damn... didn't expect NST to run a story like that... it's not like i asked for it by buyin' Galaxie or anythin' of that sort... The O.C. has finished its second season and will be returnin' for a third in Nov... lookin' forward to watchin' the final episodes of that too... and Lost... hmmm...

Looks great doesn't it?
Just got it not too long ago... and it's opened up a whole new world of tones for me...
Now i can sound like any guitar god from Hammett to Hendrix...
Note: I said
sound like... not
play like... :)
There's nothing else more interesting to write than this... so i'll just sign off soon...
Star Wars Ep. III had some great CGI n digitally-rendered sci-fi/fantasy art which I find attractive...
Like i said... no connection at home = no onlining = more Korg-ing hehe...
Lookin' forward to the wedding in a couple of weeks time...
Yeah... the number of posts have been dwindling...
Probably due to the fact that my modem is dysfunctional... or rather... not workin'...
Which indirectly is good cos i can focus on more important stuff...
Like watchin tv?
Haha... like meddling with my ax and hopefully a new Korg soon...
And also preparin for my bro's wedding... there is a lot to be done on my part...
Probably cos i'm the only jobless person in my family...
Yeah... i probably won't have the privilege of downloadin' all the .mp3s n .avis to my heart's content...
But it's not a huge prob... i need some time away from cyberspace i guess... :)
So... this is not the place to visit if ur bored and hoping for new reads...
Chances are... u will not find any... hehe...
Don't worry... it's not the end... just less posts and less time online...
Which means gettin' more involved in non-virtual reality... :P