Piece of Mind



All or Nothing

As Kimi was pushing his car to the limits in the closing laps of the European Grand Prix... he must be thinkin... "cos i want it all, or nothin' at all"... well... in the end... Lady Luck favored Alonso when the McLaren couldn't take it anymore during the last lap... well i guess any other racer would have tried to push his luck similarly if he were in the Iceman's shoes that time... if only his suspension could withstand one more lap of torture... but this was not to be... sadly for him... had he played safe he would have wound up third with six points if i'm not mistaken... but i guess that's just the way life is... This is the second match/race of this week that has left spectators worldwide hangin' on to the edge of their seats right till the very end... the first being the Reds triumph in Istanbul a few days back... certainly a very eventful week in soccer and motor racing history... Thoroughly enjoyed the trip to Cameron's on Friday... probably will let the pictures i'm about to post in the near future speak for themselves... too lazy to elaborate... hehe...
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