Piece of Mind
The End
Leavin' cyberspace for the next ten days... no longer will i appear in ur MSN/ICQ/Yahoo all the time...
My PC deserves a holiday too... hehe...
Bus in two hours... probably going to have some 'weed rice' now...
More pictures on the soon-to-be-elaborated ONE-HOUR SOLO soon...
The Whistle Blows...
and it's half-time for me (and everyone else here) to take a week's breather... time to catch up with family and friends... my parents were in China in the past weeks... hope they have some pics for me to see... guess they must have had a great time considering the fact that it's their first trip there... i'm sure my mum will have lots to elaborate on their daily visits throughout the tour...
30 hours to the bus ride home... can't wait for it... bad news is right after the holidays on Tues and Wed will be a test and a lab report due... so i've definitely got to squeeze in some time to prepare over the next ten days or so... that is if i remember to bring back any book at all... hehe... last-minute studying again?... hmmm... it will be the umpteenth time so... i shall have to find out how much is being covered...
A new roomie... a new environment... a buddy shifted in with me a fortnight ago... i've got a big place so it's alright... broadband is slower though... should be upgrading in the near future because what used to be three users is now five...
I'm guilty of a big sin... i haven't touched my guitar in days... man... that's bad ;( been watchin' divx, managin' a fantasy premiership team and etc... and of course listenin' to newly-downloaded songs of bands i never really had a chance to listen to in previous years... sad to say... nothing i heard really impressed me... maybe i shouldn't compare every band out there to Dream Theater... which is undoubtedly my fave for the moment... until some other group comes along with such great songwriting, melodic compositions and technical superiority...
Ok... i shall stop ranting on DT... till the next post... that's all
Live Without Video
Yup... i'm 'watching' the Turkish GP online... sadly because i do not have a tv... so i will have to do with the live commentary and timing... just words and numbers... man... :(
Got to go... race's startin... first time on Turkish soil...
Just downloaded an episode of Weeds yesterday... a new series in the U.S... heard that it would be an interesting watch... it focuses on a weed-dealing single mother struggling to make ends meet and take care of her kids in some suburbia... based more on the 'real' American middle-class life... or so i heard from (p)reviews... can't judge much from one episode... will see how the storyline goes... but not as dramatic as Desperate Housewives i would say... along the lines of it though...
So what's been up lately?... praise and worship in church last night... great songs... great music (ahem!)... even had jammed with full distortion in church too after the thingy... albeit with controlled volume... didn't wanna go overboard... hehe...
Tests on Mon and Tues which i have yet to study for... did go through a lil this afternoon tho'... but as i was walkin' downstairs to get some notes printed... guess what... i found my other housemates happily in dreamland... so what the heck i thought... i dozed off soon after that...
Boardin' the Thurs nite bus home to Ipoh... screw Fri classes... which i don't go most of the time anyway...
I should probably get goin'... hit some strings maybe... or hit the books...
Hybrid Slinky
This is my third set of guitar strings in the past six weeks... such intensive jam sessions in the studio and church have lead to fast deteriorating strings... this time around the A string snapped while my friend and i were ferociously palming n downpicking the chorus of 'Master of Puppets'... and guess what?... his low E snapped at exactly the same moment... haha... such intense chemistry huh... a month ago at the (worst ever) recordin' session... my low E gave way during the 'Sanitarium' bridge... the heavy downpicking part... :) man are we fast and furious...
Instead of Extra Slinky strings which i usually use... i opted for Hybrid Slinky which i think would be more suitable... heavy gauge bass strings and thin at the bottom for ease of solos... well i could have just changed one string but i know the others might just break anytime... and i wouldn't want that to happen for church tommorow...
After two tests in the past five days or so... it's a huge relief that i managed to wriggle my way through the maze of questions with lil preparation (or so i think did)... it was by most ppl's standards pretty easy... so i guess i was lucky that with my lil knowledge... i could attempt all the questions rather confidently...
Was watchin' some rock concerts earlier at my friend's place... jammin' along... hafta brush up on my soloing soon cos my band is headin' fast into the metal zone, so to speak... where technical ability and speed are an absolute necessity...
Had dinner at the weed nasi lemak stall for quite a number of days in the past week... well... i wouldn't dare hold a candle to that friend of mine i mentioned earlier... he's been havin' it for lunch, dinner, supper and whatever... his record stands at four times a day... i would not be able to have the same thing twice in a day... i'll just feel sick of it...
So lookin' forward to meet up with old friends in my upcomin' one week hols... was havin' drinks at the weed stall when four of my Ipoh friends who were hangin' out together gave me a buzz... which made me think of the good times we had... and many more to come i hope...
No lab session tomorrow... good day... will probably spend some time shoppin' for a birthday present for the party tomorrow night... it's a temporary breather for two back2back tests next week... hmmm... i wonder if there are drinks at the party... :)
Engineering Marvel
Just finished an experiment in the robotics lab... really cool to meddle and control and program the robot to do stuff u know... makes me wanna have one to do housekeeping for me... ;)
Last night it was dinner at Restoran Sayam, Stulang Laut... that's a great place for tomyam and the usual Malay fare... only there it's better than just usual... the Tuesday before it was the nasi lemak at the widely-publicized Permas Jaya waterfront stall on stilts... getting there was almost as hard as going to White Castle (u guys have watched that comedy i hope)... my friends have such poor sense of directions... hehe...
The new AX3000G is the newest multi-effects stompbox out there now i guess... after reading the specs... it is quite definitely no match for a GT-8 or PodXT Live though... but it does cost less though...
Across the Straits
Hillsong and Delirious? were simply awesome... it was a wonderful Festival of Praise with great music and messages... the stadium was packed to the max... in excess of 12000 ppl i guess... we didn't have the best seats in the house but it was alright... immensely powerful time of corporate prayer and worship... hopefully it has touched many lives...
Paid a visit to Swee Lee too... checked out its HUGE showroom that displayed more Fenders, Gibsons, Ibanezes, Laneys, Bosses, DODs, Digitechs than i have ever seen in my entire life... i think it's bigger than Bentley although i've not been to it though... anyway... it was really cool too finally get to see so many 'legendary' and famous axes and signature models... now that's what i would like to see in Ipoh... a music megastore... :)
Went around Singapore city enjoyin' the bright lights, wonderful scenery and colourful people... it wasn't costly at all to drive there... around 5 bucks in toll charges... what more... it was a Saturday night... the city was very much alive...
Finding our way around wasn't much of a problem as we weren't in a hurry to get anywhere... so we tried, erred and learnt quite a bit... i'm always up for adventure ;)
So this week will probably mark the beginning of the semester for me... haha... i have been slackin' for nearly a month now... got a report to write... assignments to finish (not by copying, but trying to do them myself)... tests to study for... well... it's my fourth year... i suppose i'm used to it... just sit back and enjoy the journey...
Hmmm... hope i can find the time to hang out across the straits sometime soon again... in the midst of upcoming academic commitments...
Listenin to Metallica's One currently... hence the title... otherwise i would be spendin minutes crackin' my head to think of titles for my posts...
Instead of fulfilling my responsibilities as a dutiful student... i have instead been engaging in all kinds of 'extra-curricular' activities except attending class... kids please don't try this in future... :) went for dinner in JB last night... then to a after-dinner walk and dessert by the waterfront... then to JJ (for the 2nd time yesterday)... then yumcha... then jammin' in my friend's room... then supper some more... slept so late that i decided to skip today's classes... sigh... i should not be doin' this :(
I jus learnt that there will be a barbecue party at my place tonight... and i didn't even know that till a few minutes ago... some last-minute plannin' thing by my friends...
This time tomorrow i shall be overseas... hmmm... it's just Singapore ;)
Yeah... i know i'm a few years late... but i finally downloaded and watched the much talked-about A Walk To Remember in the afternoon... somehow in its simplicity of plot and well-developed characters... i was really drawn into it... emotionally... definitely one of the better movies i have watched recently... listenin' to Only Hope now... two versions... Switchfoot and Mandy Moore...
Ok... before i get too emo... i shall move on to our first video-recorded jam session we had earlier tonight... great... it's nice to see ourselves playin'...
Well... i could probably blog bout more stuff... but i think i shall keep them for another day... or not write bout it at all... it depends...
In the show... Jaime Sullivan's ambition was to witness a miracle... hopefully mine will happen soon...