Listenin to Metallica's One currently... hence the title... otherwise i would be spendin minutes crackin' my head to think of titles for my posts...
Instead of fulfilling my responsibilities as a dutiful student... i have instead been engaging in all kinds of 'extra-curricular' activities except attending class... kids please don't try this in future... :) went for dinner in JB last night... then to a after-dinner walk and dessert by the waterfront... then to JJ (for the 2nd time yesterday)... then yumcha... then jammin' in my friend's room... then supper some more... slept so late that i decided to skip today's classes... sigh... i should not be doin' this :(
I jus learnt that there will be a barbecue party at my place tonight... and i didn't even know that till a few minutes ago... some last-minute plannin' thing by my friends...
This time tomorrow i shall be overseas... hmmm... it's just Singapore ;)