it was an amazing
recharge jam session yesterday where we played for two hours... by
we i mean two bands...
gobling... which consists of
fariq and his mates... and the one i'm in... and we finally got a wicked new name for the band...
serpent... had it recorded on video... most of it at least... what a big crowd it was... more than a dozen... hopefully we'll have more groupies in jams to come... hehe...
so things are startin' to pick up... with a gig comin' up in a couple of months... it's time to get a lil serious to practisin' and well... practisin'? hehe... it's all about it if u want to take the path of becoming a virtuoso... not that i can be one... but it's all about polishing your passion and taking it to another level...
ever since gettin' those thick bottom
hybrid slinky strings that i had mentioned a few weeks ago... there hasn't been any breakages... hmmm... it is indeed more suitable i must say...