Piece of Mind




i'm glad i've been able to catch up with a few friends... exchange experiences... and learn somethin' from them... and also shockingly find out that we have similar issues... wed afternoon... had some delicious new york cheese cake at secret recipe with my friend back from kl... and also an eye-opening chat with her... thurs morn... irresistible soft-boiled eggs with toast bread at hollywood... with fellow serpent bassist... and crispy puree at nasmir at night with him too... he left early (it was nearly midnight actually)... so i met for a second round of drinks at persanjung with a friend back from sg... haven't met her in some months... like they say... humans are social creatures... we are all emotionally dependent on one another to a certain extent... hardly anythin' is smooth-sailing lately... hope i've got my friends around for some good fellowship...

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