shortchanged of a week's holidays... we shall all be facing a long span of thirteen study and exam weeks ahead... hopefully there's still some time for a recreational trip or two... the thought of my industrial training and final year looming in a matter of months isn't pleasing at all... what more with the absence of long stretches of holidays from now until september probably... by then i will probably be bogged down by my final year project just like all other batchmates here...
on a lighter note... the past week has been quite alright... my good housemates brought back dozens of cny cookies... including my fave ones especially for me :) a whole lotta firecrackers and fireworks were set off in my neighborhood on the ninth day of cny... much more than the lousy danga bay NYE celebrations...

electronics III test was pretty alright considerin' the fact that i barely spent time on it... just not in the mood for serious revision... it was rainin' for most of the afternoon... and when the sun finally shone again... the skies were a sight to behold... a huge rainbow arched for miles from end to end... personally i've never seen one so big... simply beautiful...

went out for late night drinks a couple of times this week... and it seems like i'll run into ppl everywhere... even in tuta at 0130hrs... and of course dun mention the new 24hr McD built especially for the nocturnal student population... EVERYONE goes there...
before i end... here are pix of today's daybreak...