Piece of Mind




there is so much bottled up inside all of us... sometimes it's hard to find a way to release them and let go... is it better to stay silent or to express the truth? it's a tough call indeed... would it be better to suffer in silence and keep things the way they are... or to take the risk of rocking the boat... indecision... i think i'm better at bottling up now than ever before... somehow i hope that this turns out well... and i can finally suppress everything completely... exams are just around the corner and i can't really afford to be distracted and down in the dumps... if it's true love... it must be free... and hard as it may be... if it's time to let go... let it be...
love suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself is not puffed up does not behave rudely does not seek its own is not provoked thinks no evil does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love never fails 1 corinthians 13:4-8

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